Pharmacy Solutions for Seniors
Partner with your pharmacy for better communication, greater efficiency and complete whole-patient care.
Personalized Pharmacy Services for Seniors
TotalCare Pharmacy understands the needs of seniors and their families. In fact, caring for seniors is all we do, and by doing so we continually learn and improve our services. Every day, we strive to deliver peace of mind through exceptional service, medication education, and safety. Please review this information and consider enrolling today. We’ll be honored to serve you, and we believe you’ll be pleased with your decision.
Full Service
Daily Medication Delivery
24/7 Pharmacist Availability
Most Insurances Accepted
Pharmacogenomics Customized Plans
Billing Made Easy
Integration with Healthcare Team
Comprehensive Vaccination Clinics
About Us
TotalCare Pharmacy is committed to quality improvement through innovation and alignment with our core mission. Listening and responding to the needs of residents and families is imperative to maintaining our commitment to quality care. One area of ongoing concern in healthcare is medication management - specifically medication errors, overuse, and thorough, quality review.
In response to this need, TotalCare Pharmacy was founded. We've created a team of experts to provide the service and care to meet all of your needs. The benefits are extensive, with pharmacy services tailored to your community to provide you the best care possible.
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TotalCare Pharmacy Advantages
TotalCare is a one-stop shop for prescriptions, OTCs and IV services; providing medications for residents as they transition through all levels of care. We package medications to make them easy, safe, and convenient for residents and staff.
TotalCare Pharmacy delivers daily to your community, with nearly all medicines delivered on the same day as prescribed. This is especially convenient for those who do not drive and do not have others nearby to pick up medications for them.
Comprehensive Medication Reviews
TotalCare thoroughly reviews medications when residents begin using the pharmacy and every three months thereafter, making recommendations as needed.
Integration with Your Healthcare Team
All care providers should be reviewing the same information to ensure patient safety. TotalCare interfaces with other electronic health record systems so that information is accurate and up-to-date to help prevent drug-drug interactions and limit confusion regarding medications.
Billing Made Easy
TotalCare accepts all Medicare plans and Tricare. Insurance is billed each time, and a comprehensive statement is sent at the end of the month to residents or designated POAs. This helps consolidate your billing into one pharmacy, making tracking your spending more manageable.
Our People
TotalCare Pharmacists and staff have been trained specifically to support seniors. Our Pharmacists are expert clinicians in understanding how medications function in older populations. We work with rescribers to reduce medications needed, identify rug interactions, and opportunities to optimize therapy. Our longtime staff develop relationships with nursing staff to better serve residents.
Comprehensive Vaccinations Clinics
TotalCare identifies vaccines that may be due for residents and provides opportunities for them to receive them throughout the year, including COVID, influenza, pneumonia, RSV and shingles. During the COVID-19 pandemic, our coordination with partner communities greatly expedited the vaccination process.
Pharmacogenomics uses information about a person’s genetic makeup, or genome, to choose the drugs and drug doses that are likely to work best for that particular person. At TotalCare, we offer DNA testing to identify how each individual metabolizes medications. We use the results to create a custom plan to provide to your care providers and make recommendations as future medications are prescribed.
Exceptional Customer Service
“TotalCare Pharmacy is patient, customer, and family friendly. The knowledge base of the staff’s medical and health insurance billing is exceptional. Always upbeat and positive. I have had no problems as I have been an LPN in Long Term Care for 38 years, and I’m very picky! Good job TCP!”
Christie H, Retired LPN and family member
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Frequently Asked Questions
Our comprehensive pharmacy can deliver IV medications, OTCs, hospice medications, and supplies all to your community.
Community staff can provide you with a consent form or inform staff that you would like TotalCare to provide you pharmacy services. Services are available for ALL residents, including those not receiving med management. We deliver daily and on weekends when needed. Delivery is FREE.
TotalCare partners with all physicians and specialists and TotalCare will follow up with physicians regarding prescriptions and work collaboratively to ensure safety.
We accept all insurances including Medicare and Tricare. There are some plans that have “preferred networks” which may limit your pharmacy choices to receive medications at the lowest copay. We are not able to provide medications for those insured through Veterans Affairs. Nearly all OTC products are available and competitively priced. Statements will be sent monthly for co-pays to each resident, POA or designated representative. TotalCare accepts credit cards or a check for payment.
There are various reasons why your costs may change:
If your dosage and/or quantity changes for a prescription, the cost may change. For example, if your doctor or other prescriber increases the quantity from one pill a day to three, you may pay more.
There are times when the manufacturer increases the cost of a drug. If you are paying a percentage of that cost, then when the cost increases, both you and your plan will be paying more for the drug.
The most common reason your costs will change depends on which coverage stage you are in. There are four different coverage stages for most Medicare prescription drug coverage plans. How much you pay for a drug depends on which coverage stage you are in.
Deductible stage: If your plan has a deductible (you’ll have to pay the full cost of your drugs until you meet your deductible).
Initial Coverage stage: Once you meet your deductible, you’ll pay a portion of the cost of your drugs and your plan will pay the rest. Once your total drug spend (what you pay and what the plan pays) reach $3,750 (in 2018) and $3,820 (in 2019) for the year, you move into the next stage.
Coverage Gap stage: During this stage, your plan generally covers a lower percentage of the cost of your drugs than in the Initial Coverage stage. You pay 44% of the cost of generic drugs, and 35% of the cost of brand name drugs in 2018 or 37% of the cost of generic drugs and 25% of the cost of brand name drugs in 2019.
Catastrophic Coverage stage: Once your out-of-pocket costs for covered drugs reach $5,000 (in 2018) and $5,100 (in 2019), you will be in the Catastrophic Coverage stage. Then you will pay either a 5% coinsurance on the cost of covered drugs or a copay of $3.35 (in 2018) or $3.40 (in 2019) for covered generic drugs and $8.35 (in 2018) or $8.50 (in 2019) for covered brand name drugs, whichever is greater.
First, contact your Medicare Part D insurance provider to understand your policy. If you have further questions, please call TotalCare Pharmacy.
TotalCare was designed to service senior living communities. TotalCare is an extension of your care providers and is uniquely able to improve quality of care through:
Comprehensive Medication Reviews — shared data allows TotalCare to support analysis into medication regimens
Pharmacogenomics — TotalCare can utilize genetics to provide optimal dosage of medications
Vaccinations — TotalCare can conveniently come onsite to give your community vaccinations
24/7 access to pharmacists
Personal, experienced, and dedicated staff
Contact Us
TotalCare Pharmacy
7221 University Avenue
Fridley, MN 55432
Phone: 763-444-1064
Fax: 763-568-7553